New Product Sale

till July 26th

Save $200 before it goes into the store

🚨 Sale Extended Due to Major IT Outage 🚨

Due to a massive IT outage impacting systems globally, we’re extending the sale for "Smart & Special" to ensure everyone has a chance to take advantage of this incredible offer.

Farms don’t have to be BIG to be profitable if they are ...

Smart & Special

with Joel Salatin and Grant Estrade

Grass Farming is size neutral. Learn how much can be grown in small spaces adapting the industry’s best techniques and tools. — Joel Salatin

Are you dreaming of a grazing business that not only thrives but also leaves a positive impact on the land? Do you want to learn from the very best in the industry and unlock the secrets to sustainable and profitable grazing?

Your Dream Grazing Business Awaits!

Smart & Special is streaming online or mailed on DVD to your address


Whichever option is best for you, work at your own pace – go as fast or as slow as you want. Watch and rewatch as often as you like.


🌱 Learn from the Masters

🌾 Comprehensive Curriculum

📽️ Over 10 Hours of Video


🎁 Exclusive Bonuses *for streaming purchases


For Your Investment, You Get FULL ACCESS…

Buy It Now

Over two days Joel & Grant will draw from their own experiences to teach you how to be successful and more productive with your small acreage.

  • Develop your farming strategy.
  • Scale your operation for long term success.
  • Build community and collaboration. n Refocus, re-energize, create a plan.
  • Learn how to avoid pitfalls.
  • Protect yourself from emotional and finan- cial losses.
  • Maximize stacking enterprises. n Implement efficient design techniques.

Mainstream agriculture says your only hope for being profitable is to get bigger or get out. Before you decide, come hear the other side of the issue.


Day 1

1 The Big Picture with Joel (1:32)

2 Square One with Grant (1:25)

3 Maximizing Value with Joel (1:26)

4 Multi-Species Strategies with Grant (1:30)

Day 2

5 Q&A with Joel (1:11)

6 Housing Livestock with Joel (1:37) 

7 Facilities with Grant (1:34) 

8 Grazing Principles: Beef and Broilers with Joel (1:37)

9 Grazing Principles Part 2 with Joel (0:31)

10 Avoiding Pitfalls with Grant (1:03)

Smart & Special


streaming video & bonuses

  • Discount Pricing
  • 13+ Hours of Instantly Available Steaming Video (retail value $497)
  • SGF's Guarantee: (retail value priceless)
  • FREE DIGITAL BONUS:  The Stockman GrassFarmer Magazine 2023 & 2022 PDF editions  (retail value $100)
  • FREE DIGITAL BONUS: The 2021 SGF Gathering at Polyface in MP3 (audio)  (retail value $97)
  • Bonus Streaming Add-On Options 
Get Started Today for Only $297

Smart & Special


10 DVD set

  • Discount Pricing
  • 13+ Hours of Video on 10 DVDs (retail value $497)
  • mailed to your address
  • SGF's Guarantee: (retail value priceless)
  • FREE DIGITAL BONUS:  The Stockman GrassFarmer Magazine 2023 & 2022 PDF editions  (retail value $100)
  • FREE DIGITAL BONUS: The 2021 SGF Gathering at Polyface in MP3 (audio)  (retail value $97)
  • Bonus Streaming Add-On Options


Get Started Today for Only $297


if this wasn't an irresistible offer enough, these free bonuses...

Bonus #1 The Stockman GrassFarmer Magazine 2023 & 2022 PDF editions  (retail value $100)

✅ 24 magazines

✅ downloadable .pdf files

✅ within the SGF learning portal

Each month we profile leading farmers or ranchers with details as to how and why they are so successful. We cover natural grassfed and finished beef, pasture based dairying, grassfed lamb, pastured poultry and pork.

Bonus #2  The 2021 SGF Gathering at Polyface in mp3 (audio)  (retail value $97)

✅ 8 talks

✅ downloadable .mp3 files

✅ within the SGF learning portal

Day 1

  • Joel Salatin – Grassfarming: Solutions for Tomorrow
  • Jim Gerrish – The Joy of Wasting Grass
  • Ray Archuletta – Understanding the Indicators of Soil Function
  • Daniel Salatin – Building a Team

Day 2

  • Greg Judy – Starting Regenerative Grazing on Leased Land
  • Sheri Salatin – Be the Middleman: Catch and Keep those Elusive Profits 
  • Jordan Green – Becoming a Farm Builder


  • Steve Kenyon – Starting From Scratch (restrictions prevented his travel but he shared his presentation by Zoom)

Bonus Streaming Add-On Options for $47 Each (Normally $497 Each)

As a special offer, we are excited to present you with exclusive Bonus Streaming Add-On options. Each of these courses is available for just $47 (normally $597 each), offering you an incredible savings of $550 per course!

You have the option to add these powerful courses to your learning experience.

 Special Offer:

  • $47 Each (Save $550 per course!)
  • $94 for Both (Save $1100 in total!)

These optional add-ons will be presented to you after your purchase. Choose to take advantage of these incredible savings and enhance your grass farming journey with these valuable resources.

🌿Management Intensive Grazing with Jim Gerrish: Optimize your grazing practices for maximum efficiency and profit.

✳️10+ hours of on demand video

  • Module 1 What Really Determines Profitability in Grass Farming (1:36:01)
  • Module 2 What Really Determines Profitability in Grass Farming (Part 2) (1:40:21)
  • Module 3 Creating Excellent Pasture from the Soil Up (1:47:54)
  • Module 4 Managing for Pasture Quality and Targeted Animal Performance (1:40:44)
  • Module 5 Farm Planning Tech Tools (1:34:08)
  • Module 6 Conducting and Using a Pasture Inventory (1:09:18)
  • Module 7 Stock Policy and Revenue Flow (1:20:23)
  •  Module 8 Stock Policy and Revenue Flow (Part 2) (0:33:05)
Bonus: MIG PPT with Jim Gerrish ($225 value)

🐄 Multi Species Grazing School with Greg Judy: Master the art of multi-species grazing for sustainable farming.

✳️10+ hours of on demand video

  • Module 1 The Pros and Cons of Multi-species Grazing (1:27:50)
  • Module 2 Optimizing Daily Animal Performance with Multi-species on Pasture (1:23:12)
  • Module 3 Selecting and Developing A Low Maintenance Easy Keeping Seedstock for Grazing (1:47:08)
  • Module 4 Securing and Developing Leased Land for Multi-species Grazing (1:13:12)
  • Module 5 Water, Fencing, and Handling Facilities Part 1 (1:12:12)
  • Module 6 Water, Fencing, and Handling Facilities Part 2 (45:13)
  • Module 7 Selecting and Training the Proper Guardian Animal (that Fits You and Your Farm) (1:10:36)
  • Module 8 Embracing Nature-The Key To Building A Healthy, Profitable, Multi-species Farm (1:45:40)
  • Module 9 Developing Grass Savannah With Livestock To Increase Profit (37:51)
Get Started NOW


More than a mere Guarantee, it’s my personal promise. Take a full 45 days and work your way through all the elements of the course. 

You're protected with our SGF 100% Risk Free Guarantee 

If you don't feel we've delivered on this value, you can email our support team within 45 days of purchase, and we'll issue you a full refund.

what people are saying... 

J. Brady

Great class. Thanks. Great for bringing important things back into use for me.

B. Condit

This is very helpful.

R. Simmons

Grant and Joel make a great team.

After 12 years operating a retail gardening shop and composting business, in 2014 Grant Estrade and his wife, Kate, bought rural land as a weekend home to some day home- stead or farm. Beginning with American Guinea Hogs and laying hens, they added a herd of goats and eventually beef cattle. Their gardening store has become a local market selling their products in addition to food from upwards of 40 other local farmers and producers. Along with full-time farming, Grant is a certified Zig Ziglar coach and trainer.

We feel your pain and we want to help you be successful from where you are right now. — Grant Estrade

Joel Salatin has a lifetime of advice to share. From a small operation Joel and his family have grown Polyface Farm to where it is today. He is recognized for his organic farming techniques which have low overhead costs for profitable farms.

Come spend two very intense, in depth, knowledge enriching days with Joel and Grant.


Are you ready to revolutionize your farming operation? Farms don’t have to be BIG to be profitable; they can be SMART & SPECIAL.

Join us for an enlightening two-day event where Joel Salatin and Grant Estrade will share their expertise and guide you towards success.

To Your Prosperity,

Douglas White
Founder, Stockman GrassFarmer Digital

Get Started NOW