Two days with the author of Management Intensive Grazing, Kick the Hay Habit, and Keeping it Green!
Buy it now; watch it later whenever you want...
This is an “On-demand” training that you can access at any time. It is a go at your own pace training so you don’t have to worry about missing anything. Grassroots of Grazing is available as streaming video and as a DVD set. Monthly payment plans are available for both.
For the streaming video, you will receive an email with your login details on where you’ll be able to access the training once your payment is submitted.
The DVDs are custom maid. Please allow 5 weeks for shipping.
Covered in the two day school is
(payment plan option)
"This seminar was absolutely worth the cost and 500 mile drive. Jim answered all my questions and made me think about other things!"
"This is the best course I have taken in ten years."
"A class like this is going to help make the ranch more profitable."
"Jim Gerrish is very good at putting the practical numbers to it. He knows them backwards and forwards."
-Suzie Pooley Webb
Stockman Grassfarmer Business Manager
... And this is exactly what this school will allow you to do: work smarter and make a profit.
JIM GERRISH currently lives in Idaho where he manages a ranch unit consisting of 450 center-pivot, irrigated pastures, 90 acres of flood ground, and several hundred acres of rangeland. He also spent 22 years in north-central Missouri at the University of Missouri-Forage Systems Resource Center researching and emphasizing sustainability with family farms including his own.