Management Intensive Grazing


streaming video & DVD
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SGF's Gerrish MIG System

Renown worldwide for his research, consulting, and personal farm and ranch management-

Buy it now; watch it later whenever you want...

This is an “On-demand” training that you can access at any time. It is a go at your own pace training so you don’t have to worry about missing anything. Grassroots of Grazing is available as streaming video and as a DVD set. Monthly payment plans are available for both.

For the streaming video, you will receive an email with your login details on where you’ll be able to access the training once your payment is submitted.

The DVDs are custom made. Please allow 5 weeks for shipping.

Sharpen your grazier skills with the author of Management Intensive Grazing, Kick the Hay Habit, & Keep it Green

This school...

Covers a variety of MIG topics useful for the grazier of many species.

Teaches timeless information from the world renown MIG practitioner.

Is online with crystal clear video and graphics whenever and wherever you want to watch (or rewatch).

In the two day school, we cover:


Day 1

  • Module 1 What Really Determines Profitability in Grass Farming (1:36:01)
  • Module 2 What Really Determines Profitability in Grass Farming (Part 2) (1:40:21)
  • Module 3 Creating Excellent Pasture from the Soil Up (1:47:54)
  • Module 4 Managing for Pasture Quality and Targeted Animal Performance (1:40:44)

Day 2

  • Module 5 Farm Planning Tech Tools (1:34:08)
  • Module 6  Farm Planning Tech Tools (Part 2) (45:50)
  • Module 7 Conducting and Using a Pasture Inventory (1:09:18)
  • Module 8 Stock Policy and Revenue Flow (1:20:23)
  • Module 9 Stock Policy and Revenue Flow (Part 2) (0:33:05)
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Module 1: What Really Determines Profitability in Grass Farming (1:36:01)

Learn how super-charge your grassfarming by paying attention to these key variables.

Module 2: What Really Determines Profitability in Grass Farming (Part 2) (1:40:21)

Learn as Jim continues his discussion merging his years of practical experience with theoretical knowledge.   

Module 3:  Creating Excellent Pasture from the Soil Up (1:47:54)

Get tried and true tips for business success so you don't have to reinvent the wheel


Module 4: Managing for Pasture Quality and Targeted Animal Performance (1:40:44)

Learn a first-hand account of a strategy to add more income than you've already got.

Module 5: Farm Planning Tech Tools (1:34:08)

Hear personal examples of how there's so many opportunities out there that your business needs.

Module 6: Farm Planning Tech Tools (Part 2)  (45:50)

Jim continues his discussion of how there's so many opportunities out there that your business needs.

Module 7: Conducting and Using a Pasture Inventory (1:09:18)

Learn how to conduct and use a pasture inventory to maximize your sales and profit


Module 8: Stock Policy and Revenue Flow (1:20:23)

Learn what is meant by stock policy and how it can be used to take your business and profits to the next level.

Module 9: Stock Policy and Revenue Flow (Part 2) (0:33:05)

Learn more of these these day-to-day tips and strategies used by Jim Gerrish.

"Jim Gerrish is very good at putting the practical numbers to it. He knows them backwards and forwards."

Jaren Kerst

"This seminar was absolutely worth the cost and 500 mile drive. Jim answered all my questions and made me think about other things!"

Harvey Schulte

"This is the best course I have taken in ten years."

John Ewanek

Management Intensive Grazing



  • 10+hrs of video
  • instantly available streaming video
  • SGF's Money back Guarantee
  • SGF's loyalty program
  • Streaming Bonus: MIG PPT with Jim Gerrish ($225 value)
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Management Intensive Grazing


DVDs & streaming

  • instantly available12+hrs of streaming video
  • 8 DVD set mailed to you (please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery)
  • SGF's Money back Guarantee
  • SGF's loyalty program
  • Streaming Bonus: MIG PPT with Jim Gerrish ($225 value)
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What I see is that farming is being done smarter. People are using the resources they have more wisely. There are new ways to do things that will actually help you make a profit. 

-Suzie Webb  Stockman Grassfarmer Business Manager

 ... And this is exactly what this school will allow you to do: work smarter and make a profit.


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